Listen to the author
To see her sweet smile,
is to watch the warmth
of the first summer sun
shining through the window
as it colors the couch,
and the coffee table,
and the books scattered about
in its glowing golden hues.
To hear her soft sigh,
is to slow down and listen
for the singing
of cicadas in the trees,
and the creaking
of branches in the breeze
and, in the wind,
the rustle of the leaves.
To hold her heart whole,
is to feel the pink of your face
painted by the heat,
and the baking sand
beneath your feet,
and the stick of sweat
on your neck
against clean sheets.
To be by her side,
is to forget the world
and stop time
for just one moment—
and it is fleeting,
but also freeing,
and you are breathing
for the first time.